
[Mia Shipping] Trying to optimize box size and shipping costs.

Until now, we have been dealing with intangible software products such as SaaS and apps, so we did not have to worry about delivery and packaging, but this is our first tangible product, so we have to think about packaging size and shipping costs. Trial and error with Yamato's web pick-up service and Japan Post.

[Mia] What I learned from customer support via X (formerly Twitter)

Yesterday, I was looking at X in Mia and the following X post caught my eye! We need to deal with this as soon as possible (sweat)".Although we were able to resolve the error, which in itself was good, the customer response, including the inadequate email forwarding settings, left us with issues to address.So, we decided to implement the following two solutions. - Set up a Google form in the app for bug and error enquiries - Set up a Mia community.

[ENFP] Campaigner. Extroverted Intuitive Type with Introverted Emotion (MBTI)

ENFPs have Ne-Fi cognitive functions, which means that they look for new possibilities and ideas and judge them on the basis of their own feelings and values. The very word 'flippant' is reserved for ENFPs.Resourceful, flexible to new ideas, sociable, but feeling quickly bored.

[ESTJ] Executive. Extroverted Thinking Type with a Sense of Introversion (MBTI)

Since the ESTJ is a Te-Si cognitive function, it makes efficient and logical decisions based on past experience and facts. My impression is that the term 'rigorous leader' best fits this type of person: an enhanced version of the ISTJ who demonstrates extroverted thinking and leadership within the organisation, but also respects order and is highly motivated to grow, and is concerned about winning, losing and ranking, so he or she moves up through the ranks to department head or other positions.

[INTJ] Architect. Introverted Intuitive Type with Extroverted Thinking (MBTI)

INTJs use a process of extroverted thinking (Te) to make decisions based on introverted intuition (Ni). This combination effectively bridges the gap between ideal and reality, allowing for more viable and efficient strategies.

[INTP] Logician. Introverted Thinking Type with Extroverted Intuition (MBTI)

INTPs take a process of using extroverted intuition (Ne) to make decisions based on introverted thinking (Ti); Ne-Ti: integrating different information and ideas to strengthen and extend a pet theory; INTJs take a goal-oriented, systematic approach, whereas INTPs focus on information seeking and theory analysis, whereas INTPs focus on information exploration and analysis of theories.

[ENTJ] Conductor. Extroverted Thinking Type with Introverted Intuition (MBTI)

Extroverted thinking is the strongest function in ENTJs, which means they are very proactive in their environment and seek to achieve their goals efficiently and effectively; ENTJs naturally take on leadership roles and are very good at managing projects and people.

[ENTP] Debater. Extroverted Intuitive Type with Introverted Thinking (MBTI)

ENTPs take a process of using introverted thinking (Ti) to make decisions based on extroverted intuition (Ne); Ne-Ti: brush up their own theories through interaction with the outside world; ENTPs like intellectual debate and seek debate with others to test their ideas and theories Ne-Ti.

[INFP] Intermediaries. Introverted Intuitive Type with Extroverted Emotion (MBTI)

Fi-Ne: judge externally obtained ideas and information on the basis of whether they are consistent with their feelings and ethics; INFPs tend to avoid confrontation and competition, and value cooperation and harmony. In highly competitive environments, assertiveness and confrontation are often required, which can be uncomfortable for INFPs.

[INFJ] Advocate. Introverted Intuitive Type with Extroverted Emotion (MBTI)

Ni-Fe: Insight into future possibilities and making feasible plans by sharing them empathetically with others INFJs are prone to the double whammy of the gap between their ideals and reality and empathy fatigue INFJs are introverts and are cautious about disclosing their feelings and thoughts to others. Seeks deeper bonds than superficial relationships.