


[gRPC] Create a .proto file, compile it, and use it with the Go language.

Protocol Buffers (protobufs) are Interface Definition Languages (IDLs) used in gRPC to transmit data in smaller sizes and at a faster rate than traditional formats such as JSON and XML. Create a .proto file to define messages and gRPC methods

[Protobuf] How Varint encoding works and the importance of field numbers

Protocol Buffers (protobufs) are a structured data serialisation format, developed by Google. protobufs serialise data more efficiently than XML or JSON, with smaller message sizes and faster parsing. Protobuf is a structured data serialisation format developed by Google.

[Flutter × Go × gRPC] Implementation of forced application update function (screen lock)

A search for "Flutter Firebase app update" yielded two main types of hits: using RemoteConfig and using FirebaseDetabase.This time, however, we will implement the forced update function on our own using Flutter x Go x gRPC.