


[ESP32] Implementation of Deep Sleep Mode and Timer Wake-Up Function

Introduction. Developing "Mia," a talking cat-shaped robot that speaks dialects. After releasing the beta version, sever...

[ESP32 x Flutter] How to send Wi-Fi scan results in chunks via BLE

Describes how to use ESP32 and Flutter (flutter_blue_plus) to split and send the results of a Wi-Fi scan to a smartphone via BLE, using BLE's Notify function to split large data into smaller packets and reconstruct the received data.

[Flutter] Display daily GIF images and text on the top screen.

When you use images and other assets in your Flutter project, you need to let Flutter know about them by putting them in pubspec.yaml. Put GIF images under assets/images and put them in pubspec.yaml.

[Firebase] Solution to the problem of email verified not being false when changing email addresses.

Trying to resolve an error where a user can change his/her email address without email verification if the user wants to change his/her email address once the user has authenticated with Firebase. By the way, user.emailVerified is useless when changing email addresses.

[Flutter × Go] Withdrawal process: How to handle the “requires-recent-login” error when deleting Firebase Auth.

Describes how to deal with the 'requires-recent-login' error when processing user withdrawal using Firebase Auth.This error occurs when a user has not logged in recently for security reasons. The user needs to be re-authenticated (reauthentication) before they can be withdrawn.

[Flutter × Go × gRPC] Implementation of forced application update function (screen lock)

A search for "Flutter Firebase app update" yielded two main types of hits: using RemoteConfig and using FirebaseDetabase.This time, however, we will implement the forced update function on our own using Flutter x Go x gRPC.

[Mia] ESP32 OTA update function implementation: Firmware update app notification

A new Firmware binary is uploaded to the AWS s3 firmware directory with the version specified by the developer.The version of each user's firmware is compared to the latest version uploaded by the developer, and if they are different, the Flutter app is notified that the new firmware is available for installation.

[Flutter] Introducing the Overlay class to display notification messages

I found a package called overlay_support that makes it easy to create toast and in-app notifications, so I'll use this one.OverlaySupportEntry.of(context)? .dismiss(); is a method that removes the displayed overlay widget.

[Flutter] How to deal with RenderFlex overflowed error. Identify issues using Flutter DevTools’ Inspector.

This article describes how to debug and respond to RenderFlex overflowed errors in Flutter. In short, it is an error that occurs when the size of a widget exceeds the screen area, and is listed in the Flutter documentation as one of the most frequently occurring errors.

[Flutter] State management ②: From provider to Riverpod. Take the counter app as an example.

In the previous article, we described Flutter's state management from statefulWidget + setState to Provider.This time, we will look at Provider to Riverpod, which is context independent and enhances immutability.