


ESP32 + I2S microphone (INMP441) to implement speech recognition

Implement speech recognition using ESP32 and INMP441. This time, we only want to quickly verify if the signal is being processed from the I2S microphone, so we will do up to “Receive signal from I2S microphone → Display volume level and sample statistics in real time”.

[ESP32] From development board to designing your own printed circuit board and making it into a product

The cat-shaped talking robot Mia is developed on a home-made board using an ESP32 Wi-Fi Bluetooth module; this memorandum summarises the process from the initial development using an ESP32 development board to the creation of a home-made board and several changes for the product.

[ESP32 custom board] Result of investigating the cause of board defects by measuring voltage with an oscilloscope.

When wiring voltage is to be measured, the wiring on the board is often covered with resist (insulation layer), so voltage cannot be measured by applying a probe over the wiring as it is, so lightly scratch the area to be measured with a cutter to expose the copper foil part before measuring the voltage.

[ESP32] Modified circuit with power supply noise countermeasures to avoid surface mounting errors.

The MAX98357 itself needs to be connected to pins 25, 26 and 22 of the ESP32 WROOM 32E. keep the I2S signals (BCLK, LRCLK and DIN) as close as possible to pins 25 and 26 of the ESP32, as keeping the wires short reduces the risk of signal degradation and cross-talk. Attempt to optimise decoupling capacitors in the circuitry around the power supply to reduce power supply noise.

[ESP32] Investigation of the cause of cracked speaker sound and no playback due to wiring error (magnifying glass and oscilloscope)

When the IC package of the Class D amplifier was changed from TQFN to WLP, 4 out of 25 were defective in the speaker area as follows. Investigate the cause of sound crackling and audio not being played back. Verify if the sound crackling is resolved by first lowering the volume in the application. Next, using a magnifying glass, visually check for wiring defects.

[Stock issue] What if a part is out of stock when I place my order? Using JLCPCB’s pre-order.

In order to deal with out-of-stock issues like this one when they decide to order, JLCPCB allows pre-ordering, which means that the parts can be ordered before the PCB assembly is ordered and kept in stock at JLCPCB until the PCBA service is required. These pre-ordered parts are sent together with the PCB (and surface mount if you have also asked for surface mount), rather than separately from the PCB and only the parts are sent to you.

[ESP32] Understanding the automatic boot loader mechanism and truth table

The automatic bootloader of the ESP32 is a function that enables automatic programme writing when the PC instructs the programmer to write the programme (by pressing the Upload button on PlatformIO) without having to manually press the EN or BOOT (IO0) pins.

[Flutter × Go × ESP32] How to add mute function to Mia.

After the release of the beta version of Mia, several users who actually used it asked for a 'no talking mode' for the frequency of talking, so the implementation of this feature is described in this report. For reference, we looked at Alexa and found that mute (in this case, goodnight mode) was indeed displayed on the home screen with a toggle icon.

[ESP32] Implementation of Deep Sleep Mode and Timer Wake-Up Function

Introduction.Developing "Mia," a talking cat-shaped robot that speaks dialects.After releasing the beta version, several...

[ESP32 x Flutter] How to send Wi-Fi scan results in chunks via BLE

Describes how to use ESP32 and Flutter (flutter_blue_plus) to split and send the results of a Wi-Fi scan to a smartphone via BLE, using BLE's Notify function to split large data into smaller packets and reconstruct the received data.