[After delivery] Various application procedures (paternity) can be completed within 1 hour at the ward office!

This article can be read in about 10 minutes.


A third child was born recently.

I do this every time, but I will summarize as a reminder regarding the various application procedures after the birth of a child.

Incidentally, online birth registration is underway and is expected to be implemented nationwide by the end of FY2026, with some municipalities starting in August 2024. The electronic signature of the physician will no longer be required.

【読売新聞】 政府は、子どもが生まれた時に提出が必要な出生届と出生証明書について、自治体の窓口に行かなくてもスマートフォンなどから入力してオンラインで提出できる仕組みを整える。8月にも省令改正し、一部の自治体で始まる見通しだ。202

Since the birth certificate is submitted within 14 days of birth, it is best done by the father.

After the birth, it is better for the father to do it because the mother is in the hospital for a week and cannot move and it is hard for her to breastfeed.

Outline of Procedures at the Ward Office

I thought it would be a very tedious procedure at the ward office, but if you go around efficiently, it is surprisingly easy and takes about 30 minutes. The image here is attached because it was easy to understand.


The following four various postnatal applications can be made together at the ward office.

(1) Submission of birth notification → (acquisition of certificate of residence)
(2) Apply for medical expense subsidies for infants
(3) Apply for child allowance (with a high income limit until September 2024)
(4) Enroll the child in health insurance (for National Health Insurance, submit documents to the company for Company Health Insurance)

Doing them in order from 1 to 4 is smooth. If you do 1 first, the ward clerk will instruct you to do them automatically in the order of 2, 3, and 4.

What you need to apply

One birth certificate

Birth certificate on the right half with certification by a physician or midwife

→This one, when you submit it to the ward office, asks, “The original will be kept at the ward office, do you want a copy or a photo?” you will be asked.

It is not required for any subsequent paperwork, so there is no need to make a photocopy or take a photo if you do not need one. You can take a photo at the counter on the spot, or make a photocopy in advance if necessary.

mother and child health notebook

Received when visiting his wife in the hospital after childbirth. I receive it when I leave the hospital.

Identification documents of the filer

Driver’s license, my number, etc. If it is a photo identification document, you can pick up your child’s insurance card on the spot. Otherwise, it will be mailed.

Incidentally, a seal is not required. The obligation to affix a seal to birth certificates and other family register-related notifications has already been abolished.

Procedures at the ward office

Obtain birth certificate and certificate of residence

First, go to the “Birth, Marriage, etc. Counter Section” of the ward office and submit the birth certificate.

Then they ask, “Would you like to produce a certificate of residence?” they will ask.

However, since you can add the personal numbers (my number) of the child and the child’s newborn child to the resident registration card (select “add my number”), you will need the personal number when you apply for National Health Insurance for the newborn child at the company health insurance later on. Therefore, it is better to obtain a certificate of residence at this point.

However, that will require a bit of a wait for the resident registration form to be prepared.

If there are no deficiencies in the birth notification, the government official will affix a “Birth Notification Certificate” sticker on the mother and child health handbook without incident.

Then move to the Child Care Support Section.

Subsidies for medical expenses for infants and toddlers (Marunouchi)

You will be given a separate form to fill out, and after filling it out, you can get your infant medical condition in a few minutes.

The subsidy is available from the child’s one-month checkup.

child-care allowance

This can also be issued after you fill out a certified claim form.

However, there is an income limit until September 2024; after October 2024, the income limit will be eliminated.

health insurance

In the case of National Health Insurance, the application can be made directly at the ward office.

For company insurance, a separate application must be made to the company. At that time, the birth child’s my number is required.

Incidentally, it is not necessary to apply for a personal number at the ward office. Once the birth certificate is submitted and the resident is registered, the applicant will be notified of his/her personal number by a personal number notification card.


However, since the application for my number will be made only after the personal number notification arrives at your home in a simple document two to three weeks later, it is better to obtain only the resident registration card at the municipal office as soon as possible if you need to fill in your number early in order to apply for social insurance for dependents, for example.

マイナンバーカードは新生児でも申請可能!作り方やメリットを解説 | 【楽天市場】 Mama's Life

In the case of procedures for unnecessary additions to company insurance, it depends on the HR and labor services used by the company, for example, in the case of SmartHR, the following

My number of the birth child and a document confirming the number must be submitted (a copy of the residence certificate is also acceptable).


Depending on the waiting time for others to be processed, the actual paperwork time would be about 15 minutes, and the total time would be less than one hour.

If you have a work schedule before or after the day of the procedure, you may still be able to complete the procedure if you can spare a couple of hours, including the time to get there and back.

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