


[SNS Marketing] How to Create FB and Insta Ad Reel Videos and Verify A/B Testing

This article describes how to create reel-to-reel video ads and how to distribute ads. In my case, I have a policy of "first running a small test with a daily budget of ¥1,000 for a week" for SNS advertising, so I started with a daily budget of ¥1,000 for this time as well.When I first conducted a trial transmission with a budget of ¥1,000 for the following video, the CTR (cost per advertisement until website click) was about ¥30 at first, but it was gradually optimised afterwards, and finally dropped to nearly ¥10 after about three days.

[BigQuery] Expansion and analysis of GA4 event_params with UNNEST: Bad and right queries

When setting up an Export of GA4 to BigQuery and analysing GA4 data on BigQuery, a common stumbling block is how to parse GA4 event_params, as the data is nested in event_params in a further key-value format array,When tabulating the data, the UNNEST operator in SQL is used to expand the elements in the data and convert them into a single row before tabulating.

[PR] Summarized points on how to write a press release.

Press releases should consist of two or three paragraphs and be no longer than one page - a common mistake made in the early days of PR was the assumption that as much information as possible should be packed in. The main body should be written for the media, starting with the conclusion, using the "Conclusion, Beginning (Background), Ending (Main Theme), Turning (Development)" (=PREP method) structure.

[Luma AI Dream Machine] Tried an AI that generates short videos from photos in Mia.

In this article, we examine the free video-generating AI 'Luma AI Dream Machine' to see if Mia's short video generation is practical. Dream Machine is a video-generating AI service announced on 12 June (local time) by AI start-up Luma Labs.

[Polylang Pro + DeepL] How to make your blog multilingual with ease and high translation accuracy?

The Polylang Pro version has been linked to the DeepL API since March 2024 to allow machine translation by DeepL. DeepL The free version of the API can also translate up to 500,000 characters per month. The meta description and eye-catching image have not been changed, so you still have to manually create these, but the automatic generation of the body text is very good.

[AI] Changes in SEO in the Era of Chat Search and Characteristics of Content Chosen by AI

While the cost of content generation will fall dramatically with generative AI, it is expected to be flooded with content of dubious authenticity or similar content, so content that is differentiated as content, free of misinformation and described by people or institutions with greater authority and expertise, will be valued.

[SEO] Google Search Internal Engineering Documents Leaked!?

It is also clear that a number of algorithms that Google itself had denied but had long been suspected by the SEO industry were real: elements that Google had denied but were in fact thought to exist: domain authority, use of click data, use of Chrome data. utilisation.

How to consolidate the SEO power of subdomains into subdirectories by utilizing reverse proxies.

Explains how to improve SEO by integrating content from subdomain to subdirectory using a reverse proxy. Details specific configuration steps and benefits that maximize a site's domain power and improve the user experience.

[SEO] Subdomain vs subdirectory. What does Google say about which one is better for SEO?

Subdomains and subdirectories may be a perennial topic regarding which is better from an SEO perspective. Here is a summary of how these choices affect SEO and Google's view. Subdirectories and subdomains are the same in terms of ranking in search results

[SEO] The truth about Meta tags, the relationship between page rank and click rate, and domain power

Meta tags are very important for SEO, and in Japanese, a title of 32 characters or less is considered optimal. 120 characters or so is recommended for Meta Description in Japanese. Although not a direct ranking factor, it is important for improving CTR.