
Interview AI


[Interview AI] Marketing measures taken before and after the release of the service. Were the services actually used?

A memorandum describing the marketing measures taken before and after the release of Interview AI, which transcribes an hour's worth of audio in 15 seconds and automatically converts it into a natural conversational format.AB testing on FB/Instagram ads showed that a single still image had a lower CPC than a short video.
Interview AI

[MongoDB] Deploying MongoDB Atlas in a Production Environment: From Cluster Creation to Connection with Cloud Run

MongoDB Atlasを使用して、本番環境でのデータベースホスティングからCloud Runでのバックエンド接続設定を行った。クラスタ作成の手順、接続URIの安全な設定方法、Secret Managerを使ったシークレット管理、MongoDB Compassを用いたデータベースの確認方法までを記載。

[Interview AI] Changing from Bootstrap to shadcn UI: Fast and Lightweight UI

shadcn UI is a collection of lightweight UI components optimised for React applications, enabling improved performance and design flexibility Integration with Tailwind CSS allows customisable UI development shadcn/ui is based on Tailwind CSS. Tailwind CSS must also be installed and configured as it is based on Tailwind CSS.

Setup automatic deployment to Firebase Hosting using GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions can be used to streamline manual deployment tasks and enable automated deployment to Firebase Hosting. This article provides concrete step-by-step instructions from setting up a Firebase project to building GitHub Actions

[Interview AI] Stripe Payment Implementation: From test environment to monthly billing implementation using GCP and MongoDB

This article details the steps for implementing Stripe payments in Interview AI. First, obtain a Stripe test API key and set up a monthly plan. Next, prepare the back-end with GCP and MongoDB, and finally check the payment functionality in a test environment.