


[Android] The role of build.gradle in Flutter and how to set it up

In Flutter, Gradle is used to manage the build of the Android part of the code written in Dart when it is compiled into a native application; the Gradle Wrapper makes it possible to build the project without installing Gradle Gradle Wrapper.

[Flutter] Setup to run the application on an actual Android device.

This article describes the steps to build a Flutter application on an actual Android device. First, the actual Android device on which the Flutter app is to be built needs to be recognised as a development device: set up the Android SDK using Android Studio and install the Flutter plugin and Java.

[Flutter] How to deal with JavaScript invalidity error when opening Google Forms in web view on Android.

Introduction. Developing "Mia," a talking cat-shaped robot that speaks in various dialects. A few days ago, we described...

[flutter_sound × Go] Upload audio files to AWS S3 via API

In this case, we want to implement the part where the app uploads the voice files recorded with the flutter_sound package from the app to the server (AWS S3) via API communication. We will associate the S3 path of the uploaded audio file with a phrase in the database and update the voice_path field.

[Flutter] Implementation of voice recording playback and uploading functionality using flutter_sound.

Use the flutter_sound and file_picker packages to allow users to playback audio recordings and upload audio files in flutter apps To use the audio recording functionality with the flutter_sound package, you need to request access to the microphone in XCode. permission to access the microphone in XCode.

[ESP32] Understanding the automatic boot loader mechanism and truth table

The automatic bootloader of the ESP32 is a function that enables automatic programme writing when the PC instructs the programmer to write the programme (by pressing the Upload button on PlatformIO) without having to manually press the EN or BOOT (IO0) pins.

[Speaker] I attended the workshop on acrylic speaker amplifiers. I learned a lot.

I decided to start a speaker business for the hearing impaired in January this year, so this workshop came at the right time when I wanted to deepen my understanding around speakers.

[ESP32] How to migrate from Arduino IDE to Platform IO

After switching from Arduino to PlatformIO, I can now use VSCode to centralise all code creation, Build and Upload, and I feel that the Build speed is about twice as fast as with Arduino. It's also good that it automatically searches for ports.

[Development] Reflections on Developing a Large Function: Priorities for Function Development and Testing

Although we initially assumed that it would take about a month, we were able to finish the development in about half the time (currently waiting for PR review), which was good in itself, but I would like to describe my reflections (mindset and how efficient it is to proceed with the development) after developing a large function this time as a reminder. I would like to describe it as a reminder of the experience of developing a large feature this time (mindset and how to proceed efficiently with development).

[AWS] How to manage access restrictions on text-to-speech files using S3 signed URLs.

A pre-signed URL provides temporary access to an object in a cloud storage service (e.g. Amazon S3); this URL is signed with specific permissions and an expiry date, allowing the user to securely download or Uploading.