


[WordPress × FCM] How to send new announcements posted on a website to an app.

We want to post announcements in the announcements category of Mia's WordPress website, and when a new announcement is added, we want to send a push notification to the application, and when the user clicks on the push notification, they will be redirected to the list of announcements screen. In other words, we would like to centralise the management of announcements by posting them on the website.

[Mia] Description of sales and change of mind from post-release to one month later.

In the case of new services, acquaintances initially support and purchase the service, but after the initial windfall, the service then enters a state of calm unless it is really of interest to the user. 'Maybe only people you know buy and that's it, maybe the service doesn't stick.' The situation lasted for about two weeks.

[Childcare] 2 useful tools for daytime childcare (birth to 6 months): baby monitor and electric high-low chair.

The baby monitor allows the user to check on the monitor machine as soon as there is a change in the sleeping baby's condition in the bedroom or elsewhere, even while doing household chores in the living room or kitchen. The electric high-low chair was more useful than I had imagined, as an alternative to the daytime sleeping cuddle.

[ESP32] Implementation of Deep Sleep Mode and Timer Wake-Up Function

Introduction. Developing "Mia," a talking cat-shaped robot that speaks dialects. After releasing the beta version, sever...

[Dual Career Couples] What are the three transitions in work and life and the traps it is easy to fall into!

INSEAD associate professor surveyed 113 couples (including same-sex couples, de facto marriages and remarriages) from 32 countries, including Japan, aged 26 to 63 years. Childcare, relocation, career change, caregiving, retirement and children's independence. ......The book explains the three transitions that stand in the way of career-oriented couples in the age of 100 years of life, and how to overcome them.
Current events and social conditions

[KADOKAWA] What We Can Learn from Information Leaks Caused by Cyber Attacks (Ransomware)

The cyber-attack on KADOKAWA by the Russian hacker group BlackSuit and the leak of personal information has been a hot topic recently, as it has risen to the X trend. In this article, I will describe the full extent of the cyber-attack on KADOKAWA and what we can learn from this case as a reminder.

[Career] Why do low performers increase after middle age?

Middle performers have no problems and therefore are left alone for better or worse by the company until their mid-30s to mid-40s, when they are in the prime of their working lives, and when they finally reach their mid-40s, they are treated as low performers and subject to release, which I felt was a terrible thing, but on the contrary, if they knew such a future was waiting for them in ten years' time, However, if they knew that such a future would be waiting for them in ten years' time, they would have a sense of crisis and could take measures to prepare for it from their early 30s.