


[EQ] Habits that increase the intelligence quotient of the mind. From the manager onward, title and EQ are inversely proportional!

EQ is the ability to take optimal action by controlling one's emotions while understanding oneself and others; when EQ was compared with job title, EQ was highest in the manager class and then tended to decrease as one's title increased.

[MBTI] How would you apply each type in a startup role, if you were the CEO, to your organization?

Although it is a trivial consideration and a delusion, I will list, at my own discretion and prejudice, the type of business and organisational structure that would be likely to be built if each MBTI type were applied in a start-up role and if each type were to become CEO. Business and organisational management: ENTJ / ESTJ / ENFJ.

[MBTI] Can Typology and Minutism Coexist? What is the true self?

By intertwining the MBTI's personality typing system with the 'bifurcationism' advocated by Keiichiro Hirano, I would like to discuss whether the 'true self' exists? I would like to discuss the following. Jung's typology proposed that 'one's mental energy is more focused on which world, internal or external, and how one perceives and judges information'.

[JLCPCB] I received a confirmation email after ordering 100 boards. PCB operation is not checked

If there is no problem with the PCB layout, you will not receive an email from JLCPCB, so if you receive an email, it is when there is a problem, such as an incomplete circuit. Also, JLCPCB does not check the functionality of your own PCB, so you need to look at the schematic and PCB yourself to determine if the order is correct.

[App] Create a grid post for iOS screenshots with Figma

iPhone screenshots do not require images at all iPhone display sizes; if the app's UI is the same across multiple device sizes and localisations, simply provide screenshots at the highest resolution required.

[ESP32] How to initialize firmware with a hardware trigger.

Describes the procedure for firmware initialisation using hardware triggering with the TTP223 touch sensor on the ESP32, utilising PlatformIO and TFT_eSPI to display status using the display in safe mode and to perform OTA updates.

[Go] Handling Date type values ​​for nullable DB columns

Three methods for golang to handle values of type date for DB columns that allow null. Allow null with a pointer. sql.NullTime requires a conditional branch via the Valid field to determine null. []When using uint8, convert byte slice -> string -> time.Time object.