


[Career] Why do low performers increase after middle age?

Middle performers have no problems and therefore are left alone for better or worse by the company until their mid-30s to mid-40s, when they are in the prime of their working lives, and when they finally reach their mid-40s, they are treated as low performers and subject to release, which I felt was a terrible thing, but on the contrary, if they knew such a future was waiting for them in ten years' time, However, if they knew that such a future would be waiting for them in ten years' time, they would have a sense of crisis and could take measures to prepare for it from their early 30s.

What are good prompts to give to ChatGPT? Six tactics to get good results.

Six tactics for getting good prompt results, as described on the OpenAI official website: write clear and specific instructions. Specify personas. Use delimiters to clearly indicate different parts of the input. Specify the steps required to complete the task. Provide examples. Specify desired length of output.

[Mac]Trade in your Intel Mac for an M3 Pro MacBook Pro 14-inch

I have decided to purchase a MacBook Pro 14" M3 Max. Since I will be using it for programming, the Pro looks better than the MacBook Air. As for the size, 14" seems to be fine for dual display. I don't need a chip to M3 Max because I don't do advanced image editing.

[Thesis] How to manage a thesis using GoodNotes and Notion

In my case, I use GoodNotes on my Ipad to add annotations (word meanings, questions and queries) directly to articles. Related images are also dragged directly into GoodNotes using the Ipad's multitasking function. Embed the pdf of the paper in Notion and manage the paper on Notion.

How can we improve the efficiency of information gathering?

Information gathering in an age of information overload. The sheer volume of information itself, but also the diversity of information-gathering methods, makes it difficult to know how to collect information efficiently. Decide when to collect information. Browse in print in a timeline format: broadly and shallowly → deeply and narrowly. Hit primary information as much as possible or narrow down who to focus on.

[Thinking Fitness] How do you train yourself to keep thinking instead of thinking?

Of course, being to the point, having a quick mind and being able to concentrate at a moment's notice are important, but only up to the upper middle level. From there onwards, the people will be at the same level as the above base, so I personally think that the two factors of 'health' and 'thinking stamina' make the difference.

[PdM] How to prioritize products? Identifying the trunk and branches

Product managers (PdMs) tend to be busy with a mountain of requests for functional improvements from other departments and customers, especially in the growth phase, depending on the phase of the product. This article describes my theory on how to prioritise products as a PdM.