


[Nakamoto] The story of the first time he ate very hot ramen noodles, and how it took three days for his stomach to recover from the fire that blew out of his buttocks.

After eating Nakamoto's very hot ramen, I felt a burning sensation with diarrhoea and suffered from stomach upset; the same burning sensation is felt because TRPV1 receptors are located not only in the mouth but also in the anus. And TRPV1 receptors respond not only to capsaicin, but also to high temperatures above 43°C, so the same sensations are induced at high temperatures.

[Sublingual immunotherapy] Why can’t Cidacure be held under the tongue for 1 minute and then gargled for 5 minutes before eating or drinking?

Cidacure is a sublingual allergen immunotherapy for allergic rhinitis caused by cedar pollen. The dose is 2,000 JAU tablets for the first week and 5,000 JAU tablets for the second and subsequent weeks. Cidacure currently has limited shipments of 2,000 JAU tablets, and some patients who want sublingual immunisation may not be able to start due to lack of stock.