


[ESP32] OTA update: Firmware update using MQTT and AWS IoT device shadow

When the user accepts the update, the app sends an API request to the server, which reflects the change in the AWS IoT device shadow. The device detects this change via MQTT and performs a firmware download and upgrade.

[Go] Handling Date type values ​​for nullable DB columns

Three methods for golang to handle values of type date for DB columns that allow null. Allow null with a pointer. sql.NullTime requires a conditional branch via the Valid field to determine null. []When using uint8, convert byte slice -> string -> time.Time object.

[Go Memorandum] Static typing, type inference, functions, structures, receivers, Go Modules, Packages, Imports

In Go language, functions begin with the func keyword and require argument and return types (static typing). Type names are written "behind" variable names; Go structures differ from classes in that methods are defined outside of the structure definition, and structures and methods are associated via "receivers".