
[Flutter × Go × gRPC] Implementation of forced application update function (screen lock)

A search for "Flutter Firebase app update" yielded two main types of hits: using RemoteConfig and using FirebaseDetabase.This time, however, we will implement the forced update function on our own using Flutter x Go x gRPC.

[Mia] Ships WooCommerce orders via Yamato with web pickup request.

Thankfully, 12 orders came in on the first day, so we're getting ready for delivery straight away: we're creating an online shop function by integrating Stripe payments with WooCommerce, an open-source e-commerce platform for WordPress.

[IQ] The results of the WAIS-IV intelligence test. I was more biased than I had imagined.

Describes the tests performed in the WAIS-IV, the calculation of scores and interpretation of results for each item, and your results. The total test IQ is not the average of the composite scores of the four measures (verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory and processing speed); it is calculated from the 'sum of the rating scores' of the four measures. Age correction is performed.

Why has the yen weakened so much? Policy Rate Differentials and Trade Deficits

This is because both the dollar is strengthening and the yen is weakening. Since the US lifted its zero-interest-rate policy in March 2022 and began raising interest rates, the interest rate differential between the US and Japan has widened and the yen has weakened The timing of the Fed's interest rate cut is far off, with one rate cut or less likely within the year. One long-term factor is Japan's widening trade deficit.

[Population Decline] Inverse Correlation between Urbanization Rate and Fertility Rate. The destination is Korea!

Although the pessimistic argument that population decline is the root of all evil nowadays mostly prevails, the first half of the 20th century and the post-war period was a period of population growth, when the argument was quite the opposite: population growth was the root of all evil. It should be noted that the total population was maintained at 30 million for about 200 years during the Edo period.

How can blogging be made easier by integrating Notion and WordPress?

This blog is published by creating drafts in Notion and converting them into Wordpress posts using the "WP Sync for Notion" plugin.To link Wordpress and Notion, an API linkage token must be obtained on the Notion side and pasted into the Wordpress screen The token must be pasted onto the Wordpress screen.

[ESP32 x PlatformIO] Move the configuration file (AWS IoT) from LittleFS to the NVS area.

Currently, the configuration file is placed under the data directory and included in the SPIFFS area at the time of build, but when LittleFS storage overflows due to a problem in the download process, etc., there is a possibility of failure, such as reading certificates, so change to writing and reading in the NVS area.

[Developmental Biology] Why didn’t the gene relay alone specify the spatial arrangement?

Although cells have the same blueprint (i.e. genome sequence), the actual human body that is created is not the same. Current life forms are thought to combine three different mechanisms - protein concentration gradients, gene relays and morphogenetic movements - to effectively form complex body structures and functions.

[Mia] I actually assembled 18 of them, and I didn’t expect half of them to work!

This time, I will also fix the production firmware write version and actually assemble it. At this point, I'll power it up with a USB TypeC power supply and see if it actually works. Well, everything should work! I thought, but I didn't expect it to work nearly half the time!"

[Stripe] Testing in the production environment should be done with a settlement amount of at least 50 yen.

When testing Stripe production payments with the Wordpress (WooCommerce) + Stripe combination, we encountered an unexpected pitfall. In the production environment, if the purchase amount is not set to more than 50 yen, the credit input field does not appear and the user cannot make a payment.