

[INTJ] Architect. Introverted Intuitive Type with Extroverted Thinking (MBTI)

INTJs use a process of extroverted thinking (Te) to make decisions based on introverted intuition (Ni). This combination effectively bridges the gap between ideal and reality, allowing for more viable and efficient strategies.

[MBTI] An Introduction to Typology and Misconceptions about Extroversion (E) and Introversion (I)

It is commonly recognised that extroversion (E) is 'diplomatic and active behaviour' and introversion (I) is 'shy and withdrawn behaviour', but this is quite different from the original meaning proposed by Jung. Essentially, it is about the directionality of the mind's energy, with extroversion being "going outside of oneself to seek and gather energy". Inward is "seeking and going to gather energy within oneself."

[MBTI] How would you apply each type in a startup role, if you were the CEO, to your organization?

Although it is a trivial consideration and a delusion, I will list, at my own discretion and prejudice, the type of business and organisational structure that would be likely to be built if each MBTI type were applied in a start-up role and if each type were to become CEO. Business and organisational management: ENTJ / ESTJ / ENFJ.

[MBTI] Can Typology and Minutism Coexist? What is the true self?

By intertwining the MBTI's personality typing system with the 'bifurcationism' advocated by Keiichiro Hirano, I would like to discuss whether the 'true self' exists? I would like to discuss the following. Jung's typology proposed that 'one's mental energy is more focused on which world, internal or external, and how one perceives and judges information'.

[ESFP] Entertainer. Extroverted Sensory Type with Introverted Emotion (MBTI)

ESFP is a cognitive function of Se-Fi, so it makes decisions based on its own emotions from information obtained through the five senses. They are sociable and jovial and like to be in groups with friends, conversely, prolonged 1:1 conversations would be awkward or uncomfortable as the ESFP would get bored.

[ESTP] Entrepreneur. Extroverted Sensory Type with Introverted Thinking (MBTI)

ESTPs are Se-Ti cognitive functions, so they make logical decisions based on information obtained through the five senses; my impression of ESTPs is that they are 'hedonists' in the best sense of the word; like ENTPs, they are impatient and quick-witted, but unlike ENTPs, they are more realistic and take action as soon as they think of it, which is even higher than ENTPs. Even more so than ENTPs.

[MBTI] What are extroversion (E) and introversion (I) as defined by Jung’s “typology”?

Jung's definition of introversion (I) and extroversion (E). The introvert is concerned not with the object but with the psychological processes towards the subject itself, away from the object, and places the subject on a higher value level than the object. On the other hand, the extrovert places the subject below the object and gives a higher value to the object. The subject always has only a secondary meaning.

[MBTI] Should inferior functions be overcome? Can they be overcome?

Attempting to overcome an inferior function is an attempt to pull up an inferior function belonging to the unconscious into consciousness and place it under control. If one tries to forcibly pull up an inferior function, the whole of the primary to tertiary functions belonging to the conscious mind collapses, and the more one tries to pull up the inferior function, the more it descends from the conscious mind.

[MBTI] Why does the unnaturalness that comes out of trying to overcome inferior functions occur?

Differentiation of personality types begins in childhood. For example, the two attitudes 'extroverted' and 'introverted' are actually found in children. Unlike the dominant function, the inferior function is relegated to the unconscious and is not used as frequently, so the response is inevitably slower than the dominant function.

[ISTP] Virtuoso. Introverted Thinking Type with a Sense of Extroversion (MBTI)

ISTP is a cognitive function of Ti-Se and therefore a realistic rationalist. They analyse situations and problems logically and find real, practical solutions. My impression is that the term 'tough loner' best describes this type.The degree of unwillingness to be bound by rules and regulations is the highest among MBTI's. Although he has considerable emotional ebbs and flows on the inside, he rarely shows them on the outside and is often seen as a rational and calm person.