

[ESTJ] Executive. Extroverted Thinking Type with a Sense of Introversion (MBTI)

Since the ESTJ is a Te-Si cognitive function, it makes efficient and logical decisions based on past experience and facts. My impression is that the term 'rigorous leader' best fits this type of person: an enhanced version of the ISTJ who demonstrates extroverted thinking and leadership within the organisation, but also respects order and is highly motivated to grow, and is concerned about winning, losing and ranking, so he or she moves up through the ranks to department head or other positions.

[ISFP] Adventurer. Introverted Emotional Type with a Sense of Extroversion (MBTI)

The ISFP is a cognitive function of the Fi-Se, so it makes decisions based on its own feelings and values from information obtained through the five senses. Although they tend to conform to their surroundings because they don't want to get into conflict with others because it is troublesome, they have the image of being free-spirited artists and having a seemingly contradictory state of being at their own pace.

[EQ] Habits that increase the intelligence quotient of the mind. From the manager onward, title and EQ are inversely proportional!

EQ is the ability to take optimal action by controlling one's emotions while understanding oneself and others; when EQ was compared with job title, EQ was highest in the manager class and then tended to decrease as one's title increased.

[ISFJ] Defender. Introverted Sensory Type with Extroverted Emotion (MBTI)

ISFJs are Si-Fe cognitive functionaries, so they make decisions on how best to respond to others based on past experiences and facts, taking into account the feelings and needs of others. My impression is that the word 'dedication' best fits this type; ISFJs are highly dependent on others and desire for approval, for better or worse, and their own intentions and wishes tend to be vague because 'what I want to do = the role expected of me by those around me'.

[ENFP] Campaigner. Extroverted Intuitive Type with Introverted Emotion (MBTI)

ENFPs have Ne-Fi cognitive functions, which means that they look for new possibilities and ideas and judge them on the basis of their own feelings and values. The very word 'flippant' is reserved for ENFPs.Resourceful, flexible to new ideas, sociable, but feeling quickly bored.

[ENFJ] Protagonist. Extroverted Emotional Type with Introverted Intuition (MBTI)

ENFJs have high expectations of the world, their own potential and values, and a strong desire to fulfil them. They are highly empathetic towards others through their primary function, extraverted affect (Fe), and sensitive to people's feelings and needs; Fe-Ni: they have their own vision of the future and try to realise it while prioritising the feelings and needs of others.

[INFJ] Advocate. Introverted Intuitive Type with Extroverted Emotion (MBTI)

Ni-Fe: Insight into future possibilities and making feasible plans by sharing them empathetically with others INFJs are prone to the double whammy of the gap between their ideals and reality and empathy fatigue INFJs are introverts and are cautious about disclosing their feelings and thoughts to others. Seeks deeper bonds than superficial relationships.

[ENTP] Debater. Extroverted Intuitive Type with Introverted Thinking (MBTI)

ENTPs take a process of using introverted thinking (Ti) to make decisions based on extroverted intuition (Ne); Ne-Ti: brush up their own theories through interaction with the outside world; ENTPs like intellectual debate and seek debate with others to test their ideas and theories Ne-Ti.

[Thinking Fitness] How do you train yourself to keep thinking instead of thinking?

Of course, being to the point, having a quick mind and being able to concentrate at a moment's notice are important, but only up to the upper middle level. From there onwards, the people will be at the same level as the above base, so I personally think that the two factors of 'health' and 'thinking stamina' make the difference.

[INTP] Logician. Introverted Thinking Type with Extroverted Intuition (MBTI)

INTPs take a process of using extroverted intuition (Ne) to make decisions based on introverted thinking (Ti); Ne-Ti: integrating different information and ideas to strengthen and extend a pet theory; INTJs take a goal-oriented, systematic approach, whereas INTPs focus on information seeking and theory analysis, whereas INTPs focus on information exploration and analysis of theories.