

How can blogging be made easier by integrating Notion and WordPress?

This blog is published by creating drafts in Notion and converting them into Wordpress posts using the "WP Sync for Notion" plugin.To link Wordpress and Notion, an API linkage token must be obtained on the Notion side and pasted into the Wordpress screen The token must be pasted onto the Wordpress screen.

[Developmental Biology] Why didn’t the gene relay alone specify the spatial arrangement?

Although cells have the same blueprint (i.e. genome sequence), the actual human body that is created is not the same. Current life forms are thought to combine three different mechanisms - protein concentration gradients, gene relays and morphogenetic movements - to effectively form complex body structures and functions.

[Nakamoto] The story of the first time he ate very hot ramen noodles, and how it took three days for his stomach to recover from the fire that blew out of his buttocks.

After eating Nakamoto's very hot ramen, I felt a burning sensation with diarrhoea and suffered from stomach upset; the same burning sensation is felt because TRPV1 receptors are located not only in the mouth but also in the anus. And TRPV1 receptors respond not only to capsaicin, but also to high temperatures above 43°C, so the same sensations are induced at high temperatures.

[After delivery] Various application procedures (paternity) can be completed within 1 hour at the ward office!

The birth notification is submitted within 14 days of birth, so it is best done by the father. Medical expenses subsidies, child allowances and health insurance enrolment (National Health Insurance) for infants can be done together at the ward office. Incidentally, the online registration of births is underway and is expected to be introduced nationwide by the end of FY2026; it will start in some municipalities from August 2024. The electronic signature of the doctor will no longer be required.

How can we improve the efficiency of information gathering?

Information gathering in an age of information overload. The sheer volume of information itself, but also the diversity of information-gathering methods, makes it difficult to know how to collect information efficiently. Decide when to collect information. Browse in print in a timeline format: broadly and shallowly → deeply and narrowly. Hit primary information as much as possible or narrow down who to focus on.

[Sublingual immunotherapy] Why can’t Cidacure be held under the tongue for 1 minute and then gargled for 5 minutes before eating or drinking?

Cidacure is a sublingual allergen immunotherapy for allergic rhinitis caused by cedar pollen. The dose is 2,000 JAU tablets for the first week and 5,000 JAU tablets for the second and subsequent weeks. Cidacure currently has limited shipments of 2,000 JAU tablets, and some patients who want sublingual immunisation may not be able to start due to lack of stock.

[Linear Algebra] Matrix operations, row basis transformations, sweep method, factorials, determinants, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, diagonalization

A branch of mathematics that studies the properties of vector spaces and linear maps. It deals mainly with matrices, vectors and systems of linear equations and is widely applied in various fields of science, engineering and economics. The factorial of a matrix indicates the intrinsic dimension of the matrix and the number of independent equations. The number of non-zero rows when the matrix is transformed into a staircase matrix by row basis transformation.

[ISTJ] Logistician. Introverted Sensory Type with Extroverted Thinking (MBTI)

ISTJs are Si-Te cognitive functions, so they make efficient and logical decisions based on past experience and facts. In my impression, the words 'serious and honest' best describe this type.My impression is that they demonstrate their characteristics by being like a behind-the-scenes force in back office, accounting and other tasks that are routine and need to be done efficiently.

[INFP] Intermediaries. Introverted Intuitive Type with Extroverted Emotion (MBTI)

Fi-Ne: judge externally obtained ideas and information on the basis of whether they are consistent with their feelings and ethics; INFPs tend to avoid confrontation and competition, and value cooperation and harmony. In highly competitive environments, assertiveness and confrontation are often required, which can be uncomfortable for INFPs.

[ENTJ] Conductor. Extroverted Thinking Type with Introverted Intuition (MBTI)

Extroverted thinking is the strongest function in ENTJs, which means they are very proactive in their environment and seek to achieve their goals efficiently and effectively; ENTJs naturally take on leadership roles and are very good at managing projects and people.