


[Dual Career Couples] What are the three transitions in work and life and the traps it is easy to fall into!

INSEAD associate professor surveyed 113 couples (including same-sex couples, de facto marriages and remarriages) from 32 countries, including Japan, aged 26 to 63 years. Childcare, relocation, career change, caregiving, retirement and children's independence. ......The book explains the three transitions that stand in the way of career-oriented couples in the age of 100 years of life, and how to overcome them.

[Career] Why do low performers increase after middle age?

Middle performers have no problems and therefore are left alone for better or worse by the company until their mid-30s to mid-40s, when they are in the prime of their working lives, and when they finally reach their mid-40s, they are treated as low performers and subject to release, which I felt was a terrible thing, but on the contrary, if they knew such a future was waiting for them in ten years' time, However, if they knew that such a future would be waiting for them in ten years' time, they would have a sense of crisis and could take measures to prepare for it from their early 30s.