


Things to keep in mind when using ChatGPT in programming.

'What are good prompts to give to [ChatGPT]. As mentioned in the article "6 tactics to get good results", I still feel that the first step is crucial and "writing clear and specific instructions" is of paramount importance. Also, for API-related matters, it is faster to look at the official documentation and check the USAGE.

[Protobuf] How Varint encoding works and the importance of field numbers

Protocol Buffers (protobufs) are a structured data serialisation format, developed by Google. protobufs serialise data more efficiently than XML or JSON, with smaller message sizes and faster parsing. Protobuf is a structured data serialisation format developed by Google.

[AI] Changes in SEO in the Era of Chat Search and Characteristics of Content Chosen by AI

While the cost of content generation will fall dramatically with generative AI, it is expected to be flooded with content of dubious authenticity or similar content, so content that is differentiated as content, free of misinformation and described by people or institutions with greater authority and expertise, will be valued.

[Go x FCM] Implemented a function to send push notifications to FCM on a regular basis: Server Edition

Implement a function to send Push notifications from the server to FCM at regular times in Go language.The following four arguments are required to implement Push notifications to FCM: OAuth 2.0 token (Authorisation in the HTTP request header), FCM token of the device, title and body.

[AI vs. children who cannot read textbooks] Basic reading comprehension has nothing to do with the amount of reading!

Without basic reading comprehension skills, not only in Japanese, but also in all subjects such as arithmetic, social studies and science, it is impossible to solve a text because it is impossible to grasp the text in the first place. Basic reading comprehension skills are not only necessary for children, but also for adults in their work, but shockingly, there was no positive correlation with the amount of reading.

[Flutter × Go] Withdrawal process: How to handle the “requires-recent-login” error when deleting Firebase Auth.

Describes how to deal with the 'requires-recent-login' error when processing user withdrawal using Firebase Auth.This error occurs when a user has not logged in recently for security reasons. The user needs to be re-authenticated (reauthentication) before they can be withdrawn.

[Flutter × Go × gRPC] Implementation of forced application update function (screen lock)

A search for "Flutter Firebase app update" yielded two main types of hits: using RemoteConfig and using FirebaseDetabase.This time, however, we will implement the forced update function on our own using Flutter x Go x gRPC.

[IQ] The results of the WAIS-IV intelligence test. I was more biased than I had imagined.

Describes the tests performed in the WAIS-IV, the calculation of scores and interpretation of results for each item, and your results. The total test IQ is not the average of the composite scores of the four measures (verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory and processing speed); it is calculated from the 'sum of the rating scores' of the four measures. Age correction is performed.

Why has the yen weakened so much? Policy Rate Differentials and Trade Deficits

This is because both the dollar is strengthening and the yen is weakening. Since the US lifted its zero-interest-rate policy in March 2022 and began raising interest rates, the interest rate differential between the US and Japan has widened and the yen has weakened The timing of the Fed's interest rate cut is far off, with one rate cut or less likely within the year. One long-term factor is Japan's widening trade deficit.

[Population Decline] Inverse Correlation between Urbanization Rate and Fertility Rate. The destination is Korea!

Although the pessimistic argument that population decline is the root of all evil nowadays mostly prevails, the first half of the 20th century and the post-war period was a period of population growth, when the argument was quite the opposite: population growth was the root of all evil. It should be noted that the total population was maintained at 30 million for about 200 years during the Edo period.