


[Figma] How to prevent misalignment when icons are hidden in auto-layout.

Figma's autolayout is a feature that automatically adjusts the distance between elements and allows flexible layout management while maintaining design consistency. Describes the problem of titles being off-centre when icons are hidden in the design of navigation bars and how to resolve the problem.

[Flutter] Display daily GIF images and text on the top screen.

When you use images and other assets in your Flutter project, you need to let Flutter know about them by putting them in pubspec.yaml. Put GIF images under assets/images and put them in pubspec.yaml.

[Thesis] How to manage a thesis using GoodNotes and Notion

In my case, I use GoodNotes on my Ipad to add annotations (word meanings, questions and queries) directly to articles. Related images are also dragged directly into GoodNotes using the Ipad's multitasking function. Embed the pdf of the paper in Notion and manage the paper on Notion.

[Scrap and Build] Keisuke Haneda: What is the excessive addition of care that turns three in need of care into five?

Describes his thoughts on the novel Scrap and Build by Keisuke Haneda, winner of the 153rd Akutagawa Prize. For his grandfather, who is physically disabled and daily expresses his desire to die with dignity, saying he wants to die early, his grandson Kento takes an active role in 'excessive additions to care'.

[Design] How to create and unify icon guidelines: Font Awesome, Material Icons, React Icons

When developing cross-platform (web and apps), icon guidelines may not be set in stone due to historical history and resource priorities. Well-known icon fonts include Font Awesome and Material Fonts.

[C++] Difference between pointer and reference, value passing and reference passing, function pointer, smart pointer

A pointer is a variable that stores an address (position in memory space). When a variable is declared, memory for the variable is allocated and placed in the memory space. However, immediately after the variable declaration, the pointer contains an undefined value and it is not known where it points. The address of the variable can be obtained by preceding the variable name with the `&` symbol.

[Mia] ESP32 OTA update function implementation: Firmware update app notification

A new Firmware binary is uploaded to the AWS s3 firmware directory with the version specified by the developer.The version of each user's firmware is compared to the latest version uploaded by the developer, and if they are different, the Flutter app is notified that the new firmware is available for installation.

[ESP32] OTA update: Firmware update using MQTT and AWS IoT device shadow

When the user accepts the update, the app sends an API request to the server, which reflects the change in the AWS IoT device shadow. The device detects this change via MQTT and performs a firmware download and upgrade.

How to consolidate the SEO power of subdomains into subdirectories by utilizing reverse proxies.

Explains how to improve SEO by integrating content from subdomain to subdirectory using a reverse proxy. Details specific configuration steps and benefits that maximize a site's domain power and improve the user experience.

[Flutter] Introducing the Overlay class to display notification messages

I found a package called overlay_support that makes it easy to create toast and in-app notifications, so I'll use this one.OverlaySupportEntry.of(context)? .dismiss(); is a method that removes the displayed overlay widget.