


[gRPC] Create a .proto file, compile it, and use it with the Go language.

Protocol Buffers (protobufs) are Interface Definition Languages (IDLs) used in gRPC to transmit data in smaller sizes and at a faster rate than traditional formats such as JSON and XML. Create a .proto file to define messages and gRPC methods

[Dart/TypeScript] Similarities and Differences. Static typing with type inference, single inheritance, abstract classes, Mixin, asynchronous

Both Dart and TypeScript are statically typed languages (types are determined at compile-time), but type annotations are optional and strong type inference works: abstract classes in Dart provide a means of enforcing concrete implementations in subclasses, while interfaces in TypeScript provide a means of enforcing a specific structure in classes. TypeScript interfaces provide a means of enforcing a specific structure on a class.

[Web Development] Server-side rendering (SSR) → Emergence of Ajax and spread of SPA → Virtual DOM (React) → PWA

Server-side rendering (SSR): before 2000, all content was generated on the server and sent to the client; advent of Ajax and spread of SPA: from the early 2000s to around 2010, technology to update only part of the page through asynchronous communication using Ajax became popular and and SPA (Single Page Application) appeared.

[ESP32 x Flutter] How to send Wi-Fi scan results in chunks via BLE

Describes how to use ESP32 and Flutter (flutter_blue_plus) to split and send the results of a Wi-Fi scan to a smartphone via BLE, using BLE's Notify function to split large data into smaller packets and reconstruct the received data.

[BigQuery] Expansion and analysis of GA4 event_params with UNNEST: Bad and right queries

When setting up an Export of GA4 to BigQuery and analysing GA4 data on BigQuery, a common stumbling block is how to parse GA4 event_params, as the data is nested in event_params in a further key-value format array,When tabulating the data, the UNNEST operator in SQL is used to expand the elements in the data and convert them into a single row before tabulating.

[ST7735] Guide to solving drawing problems on TFT LCDs: how to set Green Tab.

Describes drawing problems encountered with ST7735 TFT LCD displays and their solutions, as ST7735 displays use the same basic chip but have minor specification differences between different manufacturers and production batches, resulting in many variations such as "Green Tab", "Red Tab", "Black Tab " and many other variations exist.

[Figma] How to prevent misalignment when icons are hidden in auto-layout.

Figma's autolayout is a feature that automatically adjusts the distance between elements and allows flexible layout management while maintaining design consistency. Describes the problem of titles being off-centre when icons are hidden in the design of navigation bars and how to resolve the problem.

[Flutter] Display daily GIF images and text on the top screen.

When you use images and other assets in your Flutter project, you need to let Flutter know about them by putting them in pubspec.yaml. Put GIF images under assets/images and put them in pubspec.yaml.

[ESP32] From development board to designing your own printed circuit board and making it into a product

The cat-shaped talking robot Mia is developed on a home-made board using an ESP32 Wi-Fi Bluetooth module; this memorandum summarises the process from the initial development using an ESP32 development board to the creation of a home-made board and several changes for the product.

[Thesis] How to manage a thesis using GoodNotes and Notion

In my case, I use GoodNotes on my Ipad to add annotations (word meanings, questions and queries) directly to articles. Related images are also dragged directly into GoodNotes using the Ipad's multitasking function. Embed the pdf of the paper in Notion and manage the paper on Notion.